Patricia Brennan Demuth



Inside the Book

Did you know?

  • Male gorillas can stretch their arms out eight feet wide.
  • Gorillas live in groups. They like company.
  • The leader of a gorilla group is a male called a silverback. He gets his name from the silver hair on his back
  • Gorillas can make twenty-five sounds. They whoop, hoot, roar, and rumble. Gorillas even purr!
  • Gorillas are super smart. They can even learn to “talk” English.

Read Gorillas to find out more.

Gorillas tickling with flower page 35

Gorillas, page 35. Illustrated by Paul Lopez.

Gorillas in the Classroom

The Reading Teacher, Vol. 56, 2003.

“Struggling Readers Get Hooked on Writing” by Derek Furr.

Synopsis: “A teacher-researcher describes an expository writing lesson that motivates his neediest students to compose meaningful essays.”

Journal Article Quotation: “Information report writing follows closely on our two weeks of guided reading in nonfiction texts. Every year, favorite model texts among my students prove to be Gorillas (Demuth, 1994) . . .